Founded in 2013 on International Women’s Day, Lensational is a non-profit social enterprise that equips marginalized women in the developing world with digital cameras and photography training. We envision a world where women and girls are no longer suppressed of their thoughts and emotions. We believe that photography can achieve the empowerment of women on two levels:
- (1) Emotional Empowerment: Gaining access to cameras gives them a new way to express themselves freely and to retain memories. Therapeutic photography is also a proven counselling technique to overcome social isolation. (
- (2) Economic Empowerment: They will receive 50% of the revenue if their photographs are sold through Lensational’s online platform and partner agencies. With photography skills, they can also pursue freelance photography opportunities.
From a team of 2 people in Hong Kong, Lensational has expanded to 40 volunteers globally from 15 nationalities, with our largest hubs in Hong Kong, London, Lahore and Dhaka. As a social enterprise, Lensational has 3 key activities: 1) Collecting second-hand digital cameras; 2) Conducting photography training; and 3) Selling of photographs.