Leonard Kilekwang

Leonard Photo

Leonard Kilekwang




Fellow Class

Issue Area

SVC Selected


Leonard Kilekwang was born and raised in Chepareria, and therefore has a direct connection to the culture, local leaders and resources that will be critical for Tecnosafi. Prior to college, he taught in Chepareria Mixed Secondary School for two years. In 2011, Leonard helped World Vision, Kenya to carry out research on water hygiene and sanitation. In addition, Leonard is passionate about empowering youths and women in Chepareria. He recently sponsored a soccer tournament that brought together about 600 youths during a December holiday in 2015. In addition to these experiences, he is fluent in both Swahili and Pokot languages, the primary languages used by Pokot people.  Leonard recently graduated from Hamilton College, having majored in neuroscience and minored in economics.