Muhammad Mustapha Jammeh


Muhammad Mustapha Jammeh





Muhammad Mustapha Jammeh was born on the 21st January 1995 in the village of Farato which is on the urban periphery of the main city Banjul, The Gambia. He is presently enrolled in Bachelor of Business Administration program at Ashesi University in Ghana. A few years ago, Muhammad was also concerned about the direction of the education system in his country, the Gambia. So, he was engaged in a series of educational activities to contribute his quota in improving education and building a better society in his local community. He started a learning center in his community to help improve literacy rate of youths. Because of his strong desire for social change and fighting poverty in Africa, He joined and Co-Founded GamFruits, a social venture that seeks to improve food security in the Gambia, to help design a curriculum for their practical training on agriculture.