Modeste Niyimbeshejeho


Modeste Niyimbeshejeho





NIYIMBESHEJEHO Modeste is Rwandan Female Citizen, born on 29/09/200 in Rwanda-Kigali City. She is doing General Nursing at the University of Rwanda. She studied secondary school at GS JANJA Saint Jerome Janja. She has studied Mathematics-Chemistry and Biology at her Advanced level. She is Fawe Rwanda –MasterCard Scholars with passionate for saving the world through community give-back activities as especially adults as they are the world of tomorrow. She has attended BAOBAB SUMMIT in 2017 which was held in Accra, Ghana; through MasterCard Foundations where she has inspired not only in giving back activities but also in leadership skills. She is the class Representative for her classmate. She has taken the initiative of being a Teaching Assistant for 10 months in 2019, so she identified the most problem affecting adolescent reproductive health where they are not aware for their life. Now she is working on  Asrha project in Rwanda for empowering adults for awareness.