Whitley O’Connor is a rising senior at Vanderbilt University double majoring in Sociology and Human and Organizational Development. He first got involved in social enterprise at the beginning of his sophomore year when he helped develop and launch Teach Twice, a nonprofit book publisher that takes stories from around the world, publishes and sells them on the global market, then returns profits to the countries from which the stories came through educational development projects. After launching Teach Twice’s first book, Whitley began developing a street paper- a publication sold by homeless vendors – in Oklahoma City called The Curbside Chronicle. Finally, taking an idea he had had for a couple of years, Whitley helped develop the prototypes for Sustainabears, the social enterprise that allowed Whitley to be selected as a Resolution Fellow at Clinton Global Initiative University. Through programs at Vanderbilt Whitley will be able to work full time on The Curbside Chronicle – set to launch on July 1, 2013 – and Sustainabears until January 2014.