Md Tahsin Sharif

Md Tahsin Sharif





Md Tahsin Sharif is from Dhaka, Bangladesh, who recently graduated from the Aga Khan School, Dhaka. He plans to pursue a degree in Engineering. Tahsin has had experience of over 3 years in social projects and events, and has participated in projects like ‘Nutrition for Infants’, which was a nutrition awareness program for the slum people and children. His passion lies in establishing societal integrity and social development. Tahsin’s vision centres around the belief that in order for the society to live in harmony, income equality needs to be established. Eliminating differences in wealth and status will wipe out social conflicts, problems and disharmony. He is thrilled to be a Resolution Fellow, and looks forward to making a difference in the lives of the underprivileged women in the rural areas, who are suppressed by society and social barriers.