Madel Beaudouin recently graduated from Queens College with degrees in Political Science and Economics and is an incoming analyst at Moody’s Corporation. Passionate about learning new ways to spur community wealth building, she founded the Queens Entrepreneurship Fund. The Queens Entrepreneurship Fund designs one-year fellowships that equip college students with the skills and experience in helping local entrepreneurs and small business owners grow their businesses. Its vision is to combine job training with social impact to foster community resiliency and growth. As a summer fellow with the Roosevelt Institute, she enhanced her idea through collaborating with staff to rigorously develop key parts of her venture idea. Aside from this, she founded Queens College’s first undergraduate social science research journal. She has also interned for several local politicians, served as a mentor for Latinas on the Verge of Excellence, and designed a career training program for underserved high school students. She’s also the Project Lead of the Queens College Marketing Committee and is an incoming participant in the CUNY Startups accelerator program. Fascinated by economic development, her interests extend to global poverty alleviation, global finance/governance, and the evolving public/private partnerships that leverage innovative approaches for social good.