Frida Endinjok is rising senior with a major in Family and Consumer Sciences: Nutrition and Dietetics. She hopes to become a Registered Dietitian and pursue a doctorate in Public Health. She is a Research Assistant at the Marilyn Magaram Center for Food Science & Nutrition and Dietetics. Frida wants to continue in the biomedical research area and become a college professor. She is proud to be part of the NIH BUILD PODER program, which helps underrepresented students achieve their academic goals and get into graduate programs. In school, Frida is the Secretary for the Food Recovery Network at CSUN. In her community, she is a gardening teacher at elementary schools. Frida’s goal is to teach children about nutrition with gardening classes. She founded Let’s Grow Healthy, which is a school gardening project. She wishes to continue being a distinguished student, scholar, and keep serving her community.