Christopher Kaahwa


Christopher Kaahwa





Christopher Kaahwa hails from Kabarole District, in Western Uganda. He’s a MasterCard Foundation Scholar at Makerere University pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Communication whose dream is to become a voiceful journalist and guide people from all walks of life to reason together and provide solutions to challenges affecting their communities. He’s one of The Resolution Project Winners 2021 with the social venture, Mushroom Hill as the Co-founder and Marketing Director. 

Mushroom Hill focuses on providing quality education, zero hunger, and eradicating poverty by empowering households with school-going children economically through training in the commercial growing of mushrooms, availing mushroom spawns, and the market. 

Rapid and sustainable community transformation is his true passion. Getting a life-changing product into the hands of millions of people is his calling, and empowering a community to do the above provides him with enormous gratification. 

His personality grants him the unique privilege to indulge in all of the above. He’s a character always driven by curiosity and empathy to create a better living environment for all lives in the world.