Proyecto S.U.A.V.E. (Sustainable Unity And Vegetation Empowerment)

Proyecto S.U.A.V.E. (Sustainable Unity And Vegetation Empowerment)


The three founders of Proyecto S.U.A.V.E. are working towards community empowerment in Los Laureles Canyon, Tijuana, Mexico and San Diego, CA. They aim to educate families about healthy food choices, coordinate exercise groups, and build community gardens. In Tijuana, they are partnered with a local NGO where they provide exercise classes, nutrition classes, and garden workshops. In addition, they are building a garden that will be run by the women that will utilize this to feed their families and begin their own business venture. In San Diego, Proyecto S.U.A.V.E. has partnered with a local elementary school. They are in the process of implementing a garden for the children to use and the community to benefit from. In addition to community empowerment, the main goal of S.U.A.V.E is to mitigate the incidence of preventable diseases, such as obesity and diabetes.