Care for the Disabled Children from ABC


Care for the Disabled Children from ABC


The social venture “Care for the Disabled Children from ABC” based in China is initiated by Shangsi Zhou and Lidan Zhang, which focus on strengthening educational rights of disabled children.  The major activities of venture is to create a corps of volunteers among college students in these cities to chaperone and train elementary school students with no disabilities to spend time with children living with mental disabilities in “rehabilitation” shelters.  This will strengthen the culture of philanthropy as well as understanding of disability for the elementary school students and society at large. Also it builds another layer of support for the children with mental disabilities, and provides both of groups of children with lasting friendships and meaningful shared experiences. Till now, 8 different series of pro bono activities have been successfully held in 3 cities (Jinan, Linyi and Shanghai) in China and the beneficiaries of this venture have reached over 300 people ( children and family members) by 2015.