James Tayali


James Tayali




Fellow Class

Issue Area

SVC Selected


James Tayali is a MasterCard Foundation Scholar studying Public Health at University of California, Berkeley. As a Malawian Resolution Fellow, James is very interested in bringing medical, business and technological solutions to the health and economic challenges in Africa. In the past James has interned with Centers for Disease Control/KEMRI in Kenya, an experience that inspired him to develop Keki-Mawe, a delicious iron rich powder/cookie for women in Malawi. James is currently the Vice President of the African Students Association at UC Berkeley and an Associate Fellow to the Royal Commonwealth Society. He is also the founder and CEO of Deal Malawi and ICI AFRICA, his two start-ups that will allow him to continue providing social entrepreneurship and education resources to youths and women in Malawi. James believes in a future where youths shall bring unique and tangible solutions to the challenges in their societies.