Born at the beginning of the Liberian civil war, Gerald and his parents took refuge to Guinea, where he spent most of his childhood. Upon returning to Liberia, he soon realized many of his peers experienced series of disruption in their education and the fulfilment of their potential and had no guidance and support like he had from his family. He became desperate to contribute to the process of change in Liberia; where every youth has access to opportunities to succeed and impact their communities. Consequently, he founded Mentor for Development in Liberia.
Currently, Gerald is an Educational Social Entrepreneur devoting his time helping his peers realize their full potential and become agents of change. He envisions a world where every human flourishes. A united and peaceful world with equal access to opportunities to fulfil one’s dream and, he believes education is the way.
Gerald has a BSc. in Economics and Management from Stella Polytechnic. He is also a Watson Scholar and the National Projects Director at Students Making A Real Transformation (SMART) Liberia, a non-profit that empowers and inspires students to lead change.