Celia Breuer

Born and raised in Germany, Celia traveled to Kenya after graduating German high school in 2013. After participating in several volunteer programs in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, Celia decided to stay in Kenya without a program. She founded the community-based organization Siku Njema Kesho shortly before moving to the United States to begin her undergraduate […]

Steven Miller

Steven Miller grew up in Oregon and is now a sophomore at Oregon State University studying Finance in the College of Business. Being adopted from an impoverished household in South Korea, Steven understands that he is very fortunate to have been given the chance to grow up in America, and in turn decided to start […]

Moriah Shay

Moriah Shay is a student at Oregon State University majoring in management. For most of her life she never believed that college was an option. She simply did not have the financial resources available to pursue her dreams. But through relentless hard work and community support she is able to dream big and attend a four-year […]

Darosa Elfrida

Darosa Elfrida is majoring in environmental engineering at the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. She is interested in environmental issues as well as social and international relations issues. Since high school, she has been active in a lot of debate competitions and has won several awards. At that time, she also became the event […]

Galuh Sekar Arum

Galuh Sekar Arum was born in Balikpapan, Indonesia. In 2011, she was selected to represent her city in Youth Leadership Forum, and that was the time when she realized young leaders will determine the future of the world; thus, she started to join any activites that would improve her leadership and social skills. In 2014, […]

Betlhime Zewde

Betlhime Zewde (Faven) is in her last semester of Bachelor of Commerce at MacEwan University majoring in Management, with plans of continuing her education to get a second degree in Social Work and her MSW/MBA specializing in International and Community Development. She is also a second year MacEwan University Ambassador, Peer Support volunteer, VP finance […]

Gerard Mutabazi Amani

Since arriving in Canada, Gerard has dedicated his time and energy into serving humanity. He is the President of Diaspora African Youth Association (DAYA), a youth-led organization in Edmonton which encourages the unity of African youth and positive contribution to society. He is a self-published Author and you can visit www.humanityseed.com for more information. Born in DR […]

Faraja Tresor Amanda

Faraja Tresor Amanda was born in the DR Congo, left the country at age 4 due to civil wars and grew up in Tanzania Refugee camp. He goes by his middle name Tresor which is the French version of treasure. He believes to be a treasure for this world with a sole purpose to serve humanity. His family […]

Juan Bol

Juan is from a rural Mopan Maya community, called San José Village, in the south of Belize and currently an undergraduate student at EARTH University in Costa Rica studying Agricultural Science and Natural Resource Management. After secondary school, he spent two years working with the Toledo Cacao Growers Association (TCGA), a non-profit organization devoted to […]

Veaceslav Cretu

Veaceslav is a student of Computer Science at Chattahoochee Technical College, Georgia State. He was born and lived for 18 years in the Republic of Moldova. He studied one year at Technical University of Moldova at Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics, specialty Information Technology. When he was a child, he was introduced to the world of digital technology by […]