Galuh Sekar Arum was born in Balikpapan, Indonesia. In 2011, she was selected to represent her city in Youth Leadership Forum, and that was the time when she realized young leaders will determine the future of the world; thus, she started to join any activites that would improve her leadership and social skills. In 2014, she entered Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, majoring in environmental engineering. There, she joined Kampung Mitra, a program that helps a poor – educated village to start doing household businesses by planting passionfruit in their houses, making passionfruit jam, and selling it for a competitive price. Furthermore, she is also the founder of Open Defecation Free (ODF) Surabaya Program which helps Surabaya, one of the cities in Indonesia to reach Open Defecation Free goals by doing latrine procurement and socialization to citizens in Tambak Wedi, Kenjeran in order to change their habits from open defecation.