Laetitia Mukungu

Laetitia Mukungu is from Kenya and is currently a MasterCard Foundation Scholar at EARTH University in Costa Rica where she studies agricultural engineering. She has a passion for agriculture and entrepreneurship and her work has been profiled in many publications, including Fast Company. Laetitia is also a 2012 Anzisha Prize Fellow, a 2014 Spark Kenya […]

Jacquiline Maina

Jacquiline Maina is an undergraduate student at EARTH, Costa Rica where she is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in Agricultural Sciences. Her interests lie principally in food security, nutrition, psychology and environmental studies .Jacquiline worked briefly as a relationship officer for Equity Bank Kenya where she developed an interest for microfinance and entrepreneurship. She was […]

Shadadi Mutoni

Shadadi Mutoni is from Rwanda and is currently a MasterCard Foundation Scholar at EARTH University in Costa Rica where she studies Agricultural Sciences. She is passionate about urban agriculture and her vision is to see a world where everyone can produce their own healthy food regardless of their residential location.

Luisa Reyes

Luisa Sophia Reyes is a Davis Scholar majoring in Economics at Wellesley College. She is the Founder of Sisterwork, a young women’s leadership and career development program to empower economic mobility in New Brunswick, NJ. She brings experience in start-up business development, non-profit program coordination, and development of new initiatives to support her work and […]

Kawsar Muuse

Kawsar Muuse is psychology major student at the American University of Beirut. Muuse is from Somaliland, a country which is a self-declared state but international not recognize yet. Muuse is a humanitarian activist and entrepreneur who wants to lift needy people in her community. After her graduation, Muuse worked with two organization, Taakulo Somaliland Community […]

Ubah Ali

Ubah Ali is social activist and feminist from Somaliland, an internationally unrecognized country. She graduated from Abaarso School 2015, Miss Hall’s 2016, and currently doing her Bachelor degree in Politics and Human Rights at American University of Beirut. At the age of 18, Ali has started her own organization in 2015 called Rajo:Hope for Somaliland […]

Claudette Igiraneza

Claudette Igiraneza,22, is a young Rwandan social activist and social entrepreneur. Claudette is a graduate of Bridge2Rwanda, a highly competitive gap year program that assists talented African students attend international colleges and return to lead their country. Claudette is currently in her 3rd year pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Environmental health and doing minors […]

Golda Afoakwa

Golda is passionate about building supply chains that mutually benefit her community’s economic development. She is the co-founder of Sua IT, a social venture that advances computer literacy to children in the rural communities. During her undergraduate studies, she applied her business and finance acumen to consult entrepreneurs in her community which led to the […]

Richard Sewor

Richard Sewor is driven by his desire to see others succeed. He has engaged in lots of community services and developmental projects that have offered him a substantial amount of experiences to contribute to the success of Sua IT. He is an active volunteer for claim initiative and the Impact crew where he actively supports […]

Douglas Amoo-Sargon

Douglas Amoo-Sargon is a life long learner. He is part of the first cohort of the International Accelerated Degree Program between Arizona State University and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Ghana. He is currently in the second year of his masters program in the field of biomedical engineering with focus in medical […]