
Keki-Mawe founder James Tayali will produce an organic cookie and powder product to reduce iron deficiency among pregnant women and children in Malawi. In collaboration with a local manufacturer, Keki-Mawe will produce and market a soil-like iron and folate rich organic powder and cookie product, which will look, smell, and taste like soil to mimic […]

James Tayali

James Tayali is a MasterCard Foundation Scholar studying Public Health at University of California, Berkeley. As a Malawian Resolution Fellow, James is very interested in bringing medical, business and technological solutions to the health and economic challenges in Africa. In the past James has interned with Centers for Disease Control/KEMRI in Kenya, an experience that […]

Siku Njema Kesho

Celia Breuer is the founder of Siku Njema Kesho. Siku Njema Kesho’s goal is to enhance farming and promote sanitation and health by increasing access to water through the provision of water tanks and training on rainwater harvesting in Nakuru, Kenya.

Celia Breuer

Born and raised in Germany, Celia traveled to Kenya after graduating German high school in 2013. After participating in several volunteer programs in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, Celia decided to stay in Kenya without a program. She founded the community-based organization Siku Njema Kesho shortly before moving to the United States to begin her undergraduate […]

Darosa Elfrida

Darosa Elfrida is majoring in environmental engineering at the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. She is interested in environmental issues as well as social and international relations issues. Since high school, she has been active in a lot of debate competitions and has won several awards. At that time, she also became the event […]

Open Defecation Free (ODF) Surabaya

Galuh Sekar Arum & Darosa Elfrida will provide education and latrine building in Indonesia to end public defecation and related public health issues, ensuring that every home has basic sanitation infrastructure.

Galuh Sekar Arum

Galuh Sekar Arum was born in Balikpapan, Indonesia. In 2011, she was selected to represent her city in Youth Leadership Forum, and that was the time when she realized young leaders will determine the future of the world; thus, she started to join any activites that would improve her leadership and social skills. In 2014, […]

The Flow Initiative

The Flow Initiative will provide education about menstruation and reusable sanitary pads for impoverished girls in Zimbabwe. The educational program will de-stigmatize the issue of menstruation and will promote the use of a sustainable and eco-friendly solution.

Rutendo Ngwena

Rutendo Ngwena is a young Zimbabwean woman who is passionate about youth development and building sustainable communities. She is the founder of The Flow initiative Zimbabwe, which is tackling challenges related to sexual reproductive health for young girls and women in Zimbabwe. This initiative provides free education and information on reproductive health issues, creates pathways […]

Zawadi Healthcare Services

Gift Kiti is launching Zawadi Healthcare Services in Kashani, Kenya (near Mombasa) to enhance the quality of life for residents by constructing a borehole that will provide safe and clean water to the local Zawadi Healthcare clinic, while also providing a water source to a town that is currently facing water rationing. Gift aims to […]