
Andy Chen and Leonard Kilekwang co-founded Tecnosafi to communicate information on the prevention of waterborne diseases to residents of Chepareria, Kenya using a text message list-serve. Through the use of mobile device based education, Tecnosafi will decrease incidences of typhoid and cholera, and also increase quality of life and knowledge of disease prevention.

Leonard Kilekwang

Leonard Kilekwang was born and raised in Chepareria, and therefore has a direct connection to the culture, local leaders and resources that will be critical for Tecnosafi. Prior to college, he taught in Chepareria Mixed Secondary School for two years. In 2011, Leonard helped World Vision, Kenya to carry out research on water hygiene and […]


Anh Thu Ho’s social venture, Ladon, is a mobile platform connecting non-English speakers to compassionate community translators who can offer support instantly. By bridging language barriers for immigrant communities, the team aims to help these communities gain better access to social services and economic opportunities. Recently, the venture reported that it helped responders to the […]

Anh Thu Ho

Anh-Thu Ho (pronounced as /ɛŋ tʰuh ho/) is a BioEngineering major from both the University of California, Berkeley and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (it’s complicated). Since her early teenage years, she has been joining and organizing various charity or volunteering projects to serve underprivileged communities in different countries. In 2015 alone, she joined a medical […]

Jennifer Carvel

Jennifer Carvel is an Honors student at the University of Central Florida pursuing a bachelors’ degree in Biomedical Sciences and Psychology. Growing up in Downtown Miami, Jennifer stood witness to the struggle of homelessness and hunger surrounding her community. Even as a child, she tried to alleviate the plight of the homeless by offering supermarket […]

Alexis Ghersi

Alexis Ghersi attends the University of Central Florida to receive a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences with a minor in Spanish Language. Within UCF, Alexis holds two part-time job positions and presents her leadership with the Pre-Professional Medical Society and Lead Scholars Academy Program. Some of her leadership activities include coordinating events to raise money […]

Hearts For The Homeless Orlando

Hearts For The Homeless Orlando is developing a new hypertension-screening program for the homeless community in Orlando, FL. It partners with local food shares and free healthcare clinics to help reduce incidence of hypertension and cardiac diseases in this underserved community. In addition, this initiative aims to promote awareness for this population by creating needed […]

Andrew Aboujaoude

Andrew Aboujaoude is a United States Air Force Captain and physician at Columbia University currently pursuing a residency in anesthesiology. While he was an undergraduate student at UCF, his experiences with the homeless community in Downtown Orlando deeply impacted him. As a result, he was inspired to do his part as a social entrepreneur to […]

Julio Sosa Maldonado

Julio is a fifth year medical student at Universidad Central de Venezuela. Born and raised in Caracas, Julio attended a Jesuit high school to which he attributes his devotion to serve others. He has been involved in multiple activities that have helped him develop as a young leader, starting as part of the student’s council […]


Julio Sosa and Juan Torres started HPVetoed!  HPVetoed works in Caracas, Venezuela to increase awareness of the prevalence and incidence of cervical cancer and the virus that causes it, HPV.  They will conduct the first study on the disease in Venezuela and then work to equip doctors with the results of the study to enhance […]