
Agribest specializes in processing cassava peelings into animal feed to reduce waste and provide an affordable organic alternative to farmers in the municipality of Dassa-zoumé, Benin.

Millicent Malinga

Millicent is a passionate and dedicated student at the African Leadership University, thanks to the Mastercard Foundation Scholarship. She’s on a mission to make a difference in Africa by studying Computer Science. Millicent strongly believes that technology can tackle some of Africa’s biggest challenges. Right now, she’s focusing on how to reduce poverty and improve […]


LasBite is an AI-driven platform where neighbors in Rwanda can connect to share uncooked food with those who need it. Users can also buy excess food from various food outlets at a discounted price which would have otherwise gone to waste.

Amos Akogbe

Amos Akogbe is a young Beninese, studying IT Security in Computer Science at the Institute of Research and Training in Computer Science, University of Abomey-Calavi. He is also a Mastercard Foundation scholar at the University of Abomey-Calavi. He is presently a Mastercard Platform Brand Advocate for the Baobab Platform and also the Campus Director of […]

Esseho Urbain Odjo

Odjo Essèho Urbain is a third-year Software Engineering student at IFRI-University of Abomey-Calavi. He’s been passionate about technology since childhood, immersing himself in programming and software development. Urbain’s unwavering determination and insatiable curiosity have led him to explore various programming languages, frameworks, and emerging tech An advocate for education and innovation in Africa, Urbain actively […]

Josephine Adjala

Josephine Adjala is a MasterCard Foundation scholarship holder at the University of Abomey-Calavi, a 3rd year student in crop production at the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences passionate about plant health which is now her field of study. She is also an enthusiastic advocate for education and more innovation in Africa. Her determination and curiosity led […]


TomatoDry develops innovative and sustainable solutions for tomato dehydration in Benin. The venture produces a tomato powder that preserves the nutrients, flavor, and texture of tomatoes, offering a convenient and superior alternative to fresh or canned tomatoes at a consistently low price year-round.

Rosemary Adongo

Rosemary is a graduate of Arts with Education in literature and English at Makerere University from the college of education and external studies. She is born in Northern Uganda hence Ugandan by nationality aged 25 years. She is a very passionate, hard-working, visionary and optimistic lady. Her love for humanity is always evident in her […]

Godfrey Akol

Godfrey Akol is the CEO and Founder of Hog4Education Uganda, a Mastercard Foundation scholar fellow at Makerere University, and he has pursued a bachelor’s degree in biomedical laboratory technology. Godfrey is passionate about health as well as entrepreneurship and, basically, commercial piggery farming. He is extremely enthusiastic about leadership and has a detailed record of […]

Hog4Education Uganda

Hog4Education Uganda is a venture which equips youth in Angopet cell, Bazaar ward Kumi Municipality with knowledge and skills in pig farming to obtain funds to support their education. The youth will be supported with startup piglets and the proceeds will be used for paying tuition.