Samson Kahindi

Samson Matano Kahindi hails from Kilifi County in Kenya. He is enrolled at the United States International University – Africa, majoring in International Business Administration. Known for his unwavering determination and an unwavering commitment to success, Samson embodies qualities such as hard work, integrity, kindness, resilience, creativity, time management, and a deep understanding of those […]

Rafiatou Gnanfon

Born on 09/08/2000 in Dohouè, Rafiatou GNANFON graduated in 2021 with a Bac D. She is currently  on a Mastercard Foundation scholarship. Currently on a Mastercard Foundation scholarship, she is  studying Internet and multimedia at the Institut de Formation et de Recherche en Informatique (IFRI)  at the University of Abomey-Calavi. She plays a key role […]

Samuel Tohouegnon

Samuel TOHOUEGNON is a Mastercard Foundation scholar currently pursuing his studies in Software  Engineering at the University of Abomey-Calavi. He is the founder and CEO of ECOTIC, a startup  specialized in the efficient management of electronic waste in the municipality of Abomey-Calavi. He  holds an iT Technician Diploma obtained at the Technical High School of […]

Kpowadan Todegnon

Bernard, obtained his CEP in 2013. Two years later, in 2015, he trained in phytotherapy, which enabled him to heal patients using plant leaves. In 2017, he passed his BEPC at CEG1 Azovè. He then continued his studies at CEG1 Aplahoué, where he obtained his BAC in 2020. Thanks to his excellent academic performance, he […]

Kouétcha Barthélémy N’serma

Barthélémy N’SERMA, originally from Matéri, brilliantly obtained his baccalaureate in 2020. He then benefited from a scholarship from the Mastercard Foundation to continue his studies at the University of Abomey-Calavi. Passionate about breeding, he enrolled in animal production at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences in 2021. The son of farmers, he dreams of creating a […]

Dorcus Kwagalakwe

Meet Dorcus Kwagalakwe, she was raised in the unprivileged Ugandan community of Nabitete with her family of eight siblings. Her educational journey was not as simple as she had anticipated, but with the aid of her schools, parents, and scholarships, she was able to complete high school. Fortunately, she was selected as a MasterCard foundation […]

Millicent Malinga

Millicent is a passionate and dedicated student at the African Leadership University, thanks to the Mastercard Foundation Scholarship. She’s on a mission to make a difference in Africa by studying Computer Science. Millicent strongly believes that technology can tackle some of Africa’s biggest challenges. Right now, she’s focusing on how to reduce poverty and improve […]

Amos Akogbe

Amos Akogbe is a young Beninese, studying IT Security in Computer Science at the Institute of Research and Training in Computer Science, University of Abomey-Calavi. He is also a Mastercard Foundation scholar at the University of Abomey-Calavi. He is presently a Mastercard Platform Brand Advocate for the Baobab Platform and also the Campus Director of […]

Esseho Urbain Odjo

Odjo Essèho Urbain is a third-year Software Engineering student at IFRI-University of Abomey-Calavi. He’s been passionate about technology since childhood, immersing himself in programming and software development. Urbain’s unwavering determination and insatiable curiosity have led him to explore various programming languages, frameworks, and emerging tech An advocate for education and innovation in Africa, Urbain actively […]

Josephine Adjala

Josephine Adjala is a MasterCard Foundation scholarship holder at the University of Abomey-Calavi, a 3rd year student in crop production at the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences passionate about plant health which is now her field of study. She is also an enthusiastic advocate for education and more innovation in Africa. Her determination and curiosity led […]