Roger Kouagré Tcharo

Roger Kouagré Tcharo is a student of Animal Health and Production at the University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin. Aged 23, he comes from a peasant family. He studies at university through the Mastercard-Foundation Scholars Program. Roger is passionate about agriculture and animal husbandry. Courage, determination, autonomy, patience, a sense of responsibility, organization, ability to adapt, helping […]

Sènami Irène Bossavi

A young third-year undergraduate student at the University of Abomey Calavi, Irène comes from a middle-class family. From father Pascal Bossavi, soldier and mother Séraphine Agossou, Irène was born in Benin, precisely in southern Benin, where she spent all her childhood, grew up, and completed all her studies until now. She obtained her baccalaureate at […]

Top Farm

Top Farm will provide a demo farm agribusiness for training young people with limited employment opportunities in poultry farming and horticulture. The venture aims to allow students to create their own farming business, train those who have dropped out of school, lower the cost of animal production, and promote entrepreneurship.

Projeto Ingresso (Pi)

Projeto Ingresso (Pi) is an online mentorship program that makes the process of getting into the university more accessible for underprivileged social groups. We guide those who wish to continue their studies by assisting them through the entire process. With that, we hope to reduce the inequalities inside the Brazilian education system.

Elora Reis

Elora is a Young Latin American leader and a future lawyer. She is passionate about education, social justice, and youth-led development and is dedicated to pursue and help others achieve intellectual autonomy through the democratization of education. She is currently working on her Social Venture, Projeto Ingresso, which provides mentorship and assistance to underprivileged students […]

Maria Eduarda Silva Santiago

Maria Eduarda Santiago is one of the founders of Projeto Ingresso (PI), an NGO that provides online mentorship on subjects surrounding university entrance for underprivileged students and social minorities. She is 19 years old and was born in Minas Gerais, in Brazil. Maria cares about the social issues surrounding her community and recognizes the importance […]

Maxswell Magno dos Reis

Maxswell Magno dos Reis is a law student at the Catholic Faculty of Santa Catarina (Católica – SC). She conquered a place at the local Sesc High School which she attended high school and had access to an incredible academic and cultural journey. Son of a teacher, he grew up in a home that values […]

Force aux Femmes

Force aux Femmes is a Community Impact Project started at Jacobs University in Bremen, Germany that aspires to empower refugee women in the community by providing them with civic, language, and cultural education to help them learn how to navigate their new homes and communities.

Kopo Keaikitse

Kopo Keaikitse is a member of the graduating class of 2019 and currently a second-year student at Jacobs University. She is the head of Marketing and Design for Jacobs start-up competition 2021. A tale young African scholar alumni and a co-founder of Force aux Femmes, a student-run group, with aims to empower refugee women. She […]

Tamar Latsabidze

Tamar Latsabidze is currently a second-year psychology student with a minor in international relations, who is passionate about understanding different psychological impacts of work history and how they impact our societies. At Jacobs, practices her discipline by offering her services as a peer counselor as well as her position as a lifeguard. She aims to […]