The project “Learners for Haiti” has been developed into one of ACTIVEH’s main programs. Each year, ACTIVEH contacts for-profit and non-profit institutions across Haiti to identify internship opportunities that can allow Haitian college students to gain practical experience to complement their studies. After the pilot phase initiated in summer 2013 where 10 students were placed in internship, the number of beneficiaries increased in 2014 and ACTIVEH placed more than 60 students in internship all over Haiti.
ACTIVEH also runs a Volunteering and Community Service Program which recruits students from licensed Haitian universities, on a membership basis, and offers members opportunity to engage in a range of leadership, personal and professional development activities that can make them better professionals and trigger their commitment to work for their communities and Haiti as a whole. In 2014, ACTIVEH recruited more than 100 students from 10 universities who now work on a variety of projects.