Carlos Garcia is a graduate of the Universidad Central de Venezuela, where he studied Geodetic Engineering. Carlos has brought together over twenty students to work on his Venture, Clorofila, or ‘Green Garbage’, creating awareness of recycling in Venezuela. Over the past four years, they have succeeded in launching a recycling program at their university, the first of its kind in Venezuela. They have also sent volunteers into local elementary schools to teach about recycling and run recycling programs. In working toward their long-term goal of an economically sustainable garbage separation and recycling plant, the team has secured governmental and private support, as well as access to land. Carlos’ ultimate goal is to build Venezuela’s first recycling plant to help clean up the overwhelming amount of trash in the streets of Caracas. Today, Green Garbage has been incorporated, opened its first office, and is competing for government concessions to clean up beaches and national park areas, as well as begin the process of an aluminum and tire recycling operation.