Baobab Summit: Rwanda 2019

RECAPResolution was excited to once again partner with The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program to bring a Resolution Social Venture Challenge to the Baobab Summit: Rwanda 2019. The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program provides access to secondary and higher education and leadership development for young people who are committed to giving back to their communities.

Baobab Summit: Ghana 2016

RECAP Resolution was thrilled to partner with The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program to bring a Resolution Social Venture Challenge to the Baobab Summit: Ghana 2016. The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program provides access to secondary and higher education and leadership development for young people who are committed to giving back to their communities.

Baobab Summit: South Africa 2017

RECAPResolution was thrilled to partner with The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program to bring a Resolution Social Venture Challenge to the Baobab Summit: South Africa 2017. The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program provides access to secondary and higher education and leadership development for young people who are committed to giving back to their communities.

Baobab Summit: Rwanda 2018

RECAPResolution is, again, pleased to partner with The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program to bring a Resolution Social Venture Challenge to the Baobab Summit: Rwanda 2018. The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program provides access to secondary and higher education and leadership development for young people who are committed to giving back to their communities.