Igniting Innovation Summit 2015

RECAP The Resolution Project was proud to collaborate with the Igniting Innovation Summit, a conference created and managed by the Social Innovation Collaborative, Harvard’s undergraduate-run social entrepreneurship club. Resolution held a Social Venture Challenges at the Igniting Innovation Summit since November 2012.
Igniting Innovation Summit 2014

RECAPOn November 7-8, 2014, Resolution held our third Social Venture Challenge at the Igniting Innovation Summit.
Igniting Innovation Summit 2017

RECAP The Resolution Project was proud to collaborate with the Igniting Innovation Summit, a conference created and managed by the Social Innovation Collaborative, Harvard’s undergraduate-run social entrepreneurship club. Resolution has partnered with the Igniting Innovation Summit five times since 2012.
Igniting Innovation Summit 2013
RECAP This year, The Resolution Project will sponsor social venture proposals by undergraduate students at the Igniting Innovation Summit. Preparing a proposal for the SVC will involve some planning before the conference. You will need to submit the following information online through our platform: Step 1. Identify the problem you would like to address and […]
Igniting Innovation Summit 2012

RECAP The first-ever Resolution Social Venture Challenge at an Igniting Innovation Summit took place on October 5-6, 2012 at Harvard University.