Sylvia Akurut


Sylvia Akurut





Sylvia Akurut is a second-year student at Makerere University pursuing a Bachelor of Industrial and Organizational Psychology with extensive passion and skills. As a young psychologist, she is passionate about being part of the solution in communities and not just benefiting from the actions of others, and being in social change is personally important since she can make a world a better place by her actions by helping less privileged persons.

She went to Kadesok Primary school, then to Mukongoro Peas high school to Ordinary level where she won a couple of awards; for prefectship and a busary for her A levels due to outstanding performance. She further joined Akoromit Peas high school where she became the best student of the year in Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education which gave her an opportunity to win one of the most prestigious MasterCard Foundation scholarship at Makerere University, Uganda.