Pride Nyando

Pride Nyando




Fellow Class

Issue Area

SVC Selected


Pride Onyango Nyando is a senior pharmacy student at United States International Africa. He attended Nyatao Primary School and later Ayiecho Nyatao Secondary school located in Kisumu, Kenya where he excelled with flying colors. He later won a competitive Mastercard Foundation Scholars program for his tertiary education at USIU-Africa. Pride is passionate about giving back to the community and has volunteered in different areas as part of giving back to the community. He has volunteered with the Millennium Campus Network and Rise Organization in the recruitment of new fellows. He has also been a founder and co-founder of different organizations. He is a co-founder and CEO at Eco-Clean Fuel which makes fuel stones from biomass to provide clean and affordable energy. He has also initiated a scholar-citizen initiative at his university to solve pressing issues in society. Finally, Pride has also held different leadership positions and won several awards and certifications for his outstanding work in his respective areas.