Narinda Shirah is a MasterCard scholar, waiting for graduation in January 2019, with a bachelor’s degree in commerce. During the four years of her program, shes had opportunities to work with two organizations as an intern (ministry of local government and the Planning and Development Department at Makerere) in pursuit of her career and passion in accounting. Makerere offered grants to exercise her leadership skills as the class representative, finance minister and MasterCard scholars’ council representative of the MasterCard scholars at Makerere.The MasterCard program opened doors for her to meet other African scholars both on and off the continent, with a strong desire to transform the African continent. Her love for the community, giving back and social entrepreneurship grew stronger and have been enriched and supported by MasterCard and her partnering organizations like the African leadership academy and The Resolution Project.Currently, Narinda is working on the social venture project called “Rabbits for education“ which is aimed at reducing primary school drop outs in kamwenge district, Uganda.