Mwangala Simataa

Mwangala Simataa Bio PIc

Mwangala Simataa





Mwangala Simataa, a Zambian citizen, is currently a junior at Lafayette College majoring in Economics and Philosophy. Throughout his time at Lafayette College, he has served as a researcher for the Economic Empowerment and Global Learning Project, which is an interdisciplinary team of students and professors that works with distressed communities to find ways to develop and commercialize latent assets. Mwangala is the founder of Lafayette College’s Philosophy Club, a member of the Investment Club, and a student representative on the college’s Student Conduct and Appeals Committee. Mwangala is the co-founder of Afritrove Milling, a start-up agribusiness that intends to restructure the maize meal production chain and deliver low-cost maize meal to low-income consumers across Zambia.