Luciana Sandoval

Luciana Sandoval





Luciana María Sandoval Echeverría is 23 years old and from El Salvador. She is in her fourth year of a linguistics degree at ICC and second year of a literature degree at UES. She also graduated from publicity at USAM.

A coffee lover with an anxiety disorder. She loves everything related to art: music, movies, painting, reading, writing, etc. She is part of the Opera of El Salvador since 2019, and a member of Sueños y Letras. At 15 she won a contest of writing with a tale about “a better world”, and she was published with the Ministerio de Cultura for the first time at 20 in 2021, with a short tale about mental health. Her biggest dream is writing about what she cares the most such as the world of literature, arts and mental health. She wants to make people feel what her books made her felt.