Tiara is currently a 3rd year student of Universitas Hasanuddin, majoring in International Relations. Tiara dedicates her academic immersion to issues concerning climate justice, equality and intersectionality, technology-enabled development, and digital, public, and soft power diplomacy. Beyond classrooms, she engages in many youth-led initiatives with the purpose of bringing awareness and localizing international discourses and is also an active grantee of various development programs (XL Future Leaders, Generasi Baru Indonesia, StudentsCatalyst) where she gets to interact with many college students across Indonesia with inspiring backgrounds.
In 2019, Tiara took part in the organizing of a one-time English training program for detained juveniles in the city of Makassar. She was then inspired to continue the project with a more holistic approach where volunteer mentors from a privileged background(college students and young professionals) can meet eye to eye with juvenile and women prisoners and help them rediscover their purpose.