Daniel Deng


Daniel Deng





Daniel Deng attends Babson College, studies Business Analytics and Finance, and looks forward to pursuing a career in actuarial science. He is passionate about entrepreneurship and innovation, especially the development and advancement of trade and business on the African continent. Since high school, Daniel has been an avid champion of peace and positive community transformation through education. His social enterprise, Peace Power South Sudan (PPSS), focuses on grooming a thoughtful, committed, and peace-loving generation of South Sudanese leaders. PPSS holds annual Peace Power Camps that brings together South Sudanese youth aged 16-21 years from different ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds to engage in dialogue about the conflict in the country and develop them into agents who take actions to lead positive change for their communities. Daniel believes that once empowered and given the opportunity,  young people have limitless potential to transform their societies for the better.