Carlos Vargas


Carlos Vargas





Carlos Eduardo Vargas is a lawyer with a Governability, Public and Political Management Diploma, an MBA Candidate, a social entrepreneur, an innovator, and a strategist. He is the co-Founder & Chair of 1001 Ideas. Through his work, he has become a Global Shaper of the Caracas Hub, One Young World’s Venezuelan Ambassador, Resolution Fellow of The Resolution Project, as well as a Talent of UNLEASH – the Global Innovation Lab For the SDGs.

In previous years, Carlos has served as the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Andrés Bello Catholic University (UCAB) and as Advisor in UCAB’s Human Rights Centre. In addition, Carlos was the Delegate for the VII and VIII Summit of the Americas, the Permanent Council, and the General Assembly of the Organization of American States. He also participated in the International Encounter on Youth Policies in Latin America, the United Nations Youth Assembly, and the Latin American Impact Investing Forum.