Apple Panel Series 2015

In 2015, The Resolution Project launched a partnership with the Apple Store Soho to curate a panel series entitled, “Social Change, Powered by Resolution.” Each event in this series featured a Resolution Fellow who is utilizing technology for social good, alongside industry leaders and experts. Both Apple and Resolution believe strongly in the power of innovation to impact positive social change – both here at home and around the world. The goal of this series was to spread the word about how innovative technology solutions can impact some of the world’s most pressing challenges. The Resolution Project was honored to partner with the Apple Store Soho to highlight the important ways in which technology and young leaders can change the world.

September 10: Shermin Luo
The third event in this series focused on innovative careers in the social sector and how and where young people should be thinking about opportunities for their future. The line between social impact and the corporate world is blurring. This panel brought together Resolution Fellow, Shermin Luo, Alexandra Amouyel of the Clinton Global Initiative, Ben Casselman of FiveThirtyEight, and Noa Gafni, a Social Innovation Fellow at University of Cambridge in a discussion about different career paths and how nontraditional jobs can help change the world. This discussion was podcasted.

May 21: Samir Goel
The second panel in this series focused on different ways entrepreneurs and nonprofits are leveraging technology to address persistent social ills such as hunger and quality education. This event featured Resolution Fellow Samir Goel, co-founder of Transfernation, alongside Greg Gunn, Co-Founder of Wireless Generation and Katie Workman, author of The Mom 100 Cookbook, and Dinner Solved!, as well as the creator of blog. Transfernation is an online platform that connects corporations with nonprofits, homeless shelters, and food pantries to ensure that leftover food from corporate events does not go to waste. Katie and Greg, both social entrepreneurs, provided unique insights on how technology is creating efficiencies in service delivery, volunteer recruitment, and other operational areas crucial to running a successful social enterprises.

February 28: Chazz Sims
The first event in the series featured the work of Resolution Fellow Chazz Sims, the founder of Wise Systems, alongside Rachael Chong, Founder of Moderated by Resolution Chair and CoFounder, Oliver Libby, this discussion centered on the many ways technology helps the ever-growing social sector become more efficient and effective at helping people in need. Chazz and his team at WISE are utilizing technology to help create a more efficient longhaul trucking and transportation industry with the primary goal of lowered carbon emissions and creating a safer environment for drivers. Through her unique Catchafire platform, Rachel is leveraging technology to connect talented volunteers with nonprofits in need of support.